Back On Stage in a World Premiere!
I am very excited to have been cast in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" at the Old Log Theatre in Excelsior, Minnesota! This is a brand new musical adaptation of not only the Christmas movie, but the Thanksgiving and Halloween episode as well. I'll be playing the blanket carrying, slightly neurotic Linus. Which means I have to deliver that Bible passage monologue - GOOD GRIEF! I'm ALSO thrilled to be cast alongside my wife Tina who will be playing Sally Brown - because, you know, my wife and I do everything together. EVERYTHING! But I love her lots, so that's okay. The rest of the cast is top notch and includes Greg Eiden, Andy Kraft, Alyssa Seifert, Amanda Schnabel, David Alstead, and Maisie Twesme! The music is fantastic (based on the jazzy Vince Guaraldi music from the specials) and the venue is newly remodled and beautiful. Shows are ALL matinees - obviously going after an audience full of kids (and kids at heart). Rehearsals start in November (2014). I'd better start memorizing!